Generative Design of Novel Faces using an Evolutionarily Driven Variable Focus Model
Senior Supervisor: Steve DiPaola
Supervisor: Jim Bizzocchi
My PhD research focuses on modeling variable focus in creativity support tool interfaces that use evolutionary algorithms with interactive/aesthetic selection for generative purposes. My aim is to explore the potential designs of generative creativity support tools to enhance the user’s creativity in human-computer co-creativity scenarios.
A key component of creativity has been argued to be variable focus, the ability to switch between two modes of thinking: conceptual fluidity and focus (Gabora, 2002). Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms can be employed to reflect both modes of thinking. While the computer generates variations of a prototypical design through lateral exploration of the solution space through evolutionary approaches, the user is responsible for selecting from the generated designs and when needed manually editing individual designs, traversing the space vertically, fine tuning features and configurations of a design, mimicking the analytical phase of the variable focus model. Through alternating between a convergent/analytical/focus phase and a divergent/fluid/associative/lateral ones, I hypothesize that the user will avoid being stuck at local optimas and will be able to find novel alternatives to their current solution, resulting in artifacts and solutions that may be perceived as more creative. This approach places the computer in a co-creator role in a mixed-initiative interaction scenario.
Overview of proposed workflow
Initially, a random seed is applied to a certain number of solutions and the resulting designs are visualized in a grid of designs. The user is able to choose certain designs and breed them with each other, generating new populations that evolve towards the user’s assumed choices, using the features from their selections. This phase it the computer providing the user with various potential solutions that are similar to the user’s solutions and their different combinations that are revealed through the evolutionary approach.
At any point, the user can decide to explore a design vertically by isolating it and editing its individual features. This phase it mirrors the analytical, focused phase of the variable focus model. The user can edit, lock, save certain designs, keeping them exempt from the pool of designs that will be discarded or evolved and may also choose to introduce them into the pool at a later time.
In essence, the computer generates new variations, levaraging the technology to quickly configure and visualize designs while the user assumes to role of the evaluator, judging which directions the computer should generate further designs in. Combined with the ability to focus and fine-tune each design, this workflow reflects a model of human creativity that may lead to more novel, creative solutions.
In this thesis, I focused on creating human face designs, but any design object that can be parameterized could potentially be plugged in to the system.

The following screens are from early UX sketches that show some of the screens and features.

Captures from the w.i.p. application

- Create random seed to generate initial designs
- Choose designs to evolve features from

- Evolve new populatiAons from selected faces
- Apply mutations/random deviations

- Isolate and focus on a single solution for fine tuning

- Fine tune a design focusing on individual features
- Breed, randomize or further fine tune a design until design goals are met
Bibliography (so far)
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